Jueves, 11 de junio de 2020
¡Buenos días!
Hoy martes, a las 11:30 nos veremos todos en ZOOM para felicitar a nuestros compañeros que cumplen años estos días.
Ayer por la tarde publiqué dos avisos importantes. Por favor recordádselo o informadles si no lo han visto en el blog del colegio.
Ayer por la tarde publiqué dos avisos importantes. Por favor recordádselo o informadles si no lo han visto en el blog del colegio.
En ciencias hoy es muy importante que, además de leer el libro y escucharlo, veáis con atención los vídeos que os he seleccionado.
Hoy vamos a ver qué es la corriente eléctrica, en qué consiste un circuito eléctrico. Los circuitos muy brevemente, sólo mediante vídeos porque es algo que se aprende mejor con la práctica y este año no hemos podido. En sexto se vuelve a dar el tema de electricidad y magnetismo.
Mañana viernes veremos cómo y dónde se produce la electricidad a partir de otras formas de energía y cómo llega a nuestras casas para ser usada. Recordaremos la importancia de un consumo responsable de la electricidad y por qué es tan importante utilizar fuentes de energía limpias y renovables.
Plan para Hoy
1º. Check the correct answers from the interactive worksheet you did on Tuesday.
A very common mistake I found in your worksheets is in identifying the different particles that make up an atom:
2º. Watch this video that Samuel recorded showing an experience with static electricity.
3º. Now watch this video carefully to revise concepts and introduce Electric Current.
4º. Book Pages 106-107. Read and Listen.
5º. Watch this video about electromagnets.
6º. Copy the questions for activity 1 and answer them in your notebook.
6º. Copy questions a) and b) from activity 3. Listen and answer them.
7º. QUIZ. Check your learning. Write numbers 1 to 5. Listen and write T (true) or F (false)
8º. Watch these videos about electric circuits.
A very common mistake I found in your worksheets is in identifying the different particles that make up an atom:
PROTONS (with Positive charge), NEUTRONS (with NO charge) and electrons that have negative charge.
Protons and Netrons are bigger and represent most of the mass in an atom, electrons are much smaller but their charge is as powerful as that of a proton, only of a different sign.
REMEMBER that electricity is caused by the transfer of electrons from one atom to another. The electrons are moving around the nucleus. We saw this model when we talked about nuclear energy
3º. Now watch this video carefully to revise concepts and introduce Electric Current.
4º. Book Pages 106-107. Read and Listen.
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Page 106 |
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Page 107 |
6º. Copy the questions for activity 1 and answer them in your notebook.
6º. Copy questions a) and b) from activity 3. Listen and answer them.
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Activity 3 page 5 |
7º. QUIZ. Check your learning. Write numbers 1 to 5. Listen and write T (true) or F (false)
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Quiz. Page 107 |
8º. Watch these videos about electric circuits.
PLEASE, send me a Photo of your notebook with activities 1, 3 and 5 (pages 106 - 107) done
Have a Great Day!
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