domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

Science challenge INSULATORS

Happy Sunday!

First of all I wanted to thank you for the great fact files you are submitting. I am updating the gallery as I receive them.

I have also  been receiving some documents trying to answer the challenge about the coat and the snowman.

So far, no one has provided the right answer.

For that reason, I am going to change the question.

Click to access Word Document

I  think it would be interesting that you watch this video.


Heat and temperature  are different concepts.

Heat is transferred from warmer places to colder ones.

The coat has the same temperature as the rest of the objects outdoors.

Insulator materials feel warmer because they don't let heat escape from your body.

Here is another video about conductors and insulators that might be of help:

Please... keep trying!
That´s what scientists do!

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